Final lesson?

“Class has ended, but learning process don’t.”  In a blink of the eyes, this semester has come to the end. Indeed, there are lots of things that I have learned in this subject Internet Applications in Education. As future teacher, I personally think that all things that I have learned will be very beneficial to […]

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Web 1.0 VS Web 2.0 VS Web 3.0

Have you ever wonder how does web evolve from time to time? Well I have. From the moment Mr. Shukri talks about these things, this question did pop in my mind. On the fourth class, Mr. Shukri informed us about the differences between Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0. “What were those?” Alright, calm […]

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First Class on IoT

“Internet of Things” Have you came across this phrase? What would come to your mind the moment you’ve heard this? Nothing! Funny, people. Because that’s what I’ve faced in the first class. So in our first class, our awesome lecturer, Mr. Shukri introduced us to this term. The words were so big in his slide, […]

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WordPress, you said?

Today Mr. Shukri introduced us to WordPress. It’s very cool, people! WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool. It is categorized as one of Content Management Tools. Seems like there are lots of cool features available in WordPress, you know? First of all, user can choose awesome templates available on the home page […]

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It’s Google Maps, people!

In this subject, Mr. Shukri also introduced us the future teachers, to one of the tools that is very  captivating and interesting, which is Google Maps. Let me tell you what this tool is. Basically, Google Maps is a desktop web mapping service that was developed by Google. This tool sure make it handy for […]

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Me, using Schoology?

The Learning Management System (LMS) that I have chosen for doing the assignment given by Mr. Shukri is Schoology. Have you guys heard about it? It is a very convenient website for teachers to create cool lessons using LMS 😀                 Basically Schoology serves as a platform for online learning, classroom management and social networking. […]

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Web-based Tools

In this globalisation era, where all information are accessible to mankind, we are in need of tools that helps us to organize, or look for information, or even socialize in the Internet. That’s why, big companies are competing with each other to provide various kind of web-based tools to fulfil that needs. I still remember […]

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“Think, Pair, Share” + Padlet

In one of our classes in Internet Application in Education, our lecturer also introduced  us to a very interesting activity that can be applied in our future teaching and learning process which is “Think, Pair, Share”. This kind of activity has been practiced in many school in countries outside of Malaysia, such as the United […]

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About Me

Assalamualaikum and hi I bid to you! This is my first time using WordPress. This is very exciting indeed! Alright, let me introduce myself first. My name is Balqis Nadiah bt Lazli. Most people call me Balqis. I am 21 years old and currently in 2nd year 2nd semester. I pursue my degree at International […]

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