“Think, Pair, Share” + Padlet

In one of our classes in Internet Application in Education, our lecturer also introduced  us to a very interesting activity that can be applied in our future teaching and learning process which is “Think, Pair, Share”.


This kind of activity has been practiced in many school in countries outside of Malaysia, such as the United States. To put it simple,  “Think, Pair, Share” is an activity where teacher will give task or questions to the students, and students first have to think about it individually, where the “Think” part happens, and then share it to their partner, in which that is called “Pair” session. In “Pair” session, student would have to discuss, or share their ideas and opinion with their friends, in small scale. After that, the students will proceed on sharing their ideas to the whole class, where the “Share” session happens.


In my opinion, this kind of learning strategy is very beneficial for the students when the teacher applies it in the learning process. Through this activity, the students can learn lots of value,

“They can learn to think in critical and creative way. Some philosophical question like “What do you think bravery means?” cannot be answered spontaneously. The students have to think deeply first on how to answer the question, and then share the idea with their friends”.

“It is a very good activity to promote collaboration among students. They can develop their soft skills”


Apart from that, our lecturer, Mr Shukri also introduced us to Padlet, a very interactive digital canvas that can be used as a platform to discuss anything online. On that day, Mr. Shukri used Padlet and instructed us to discuss on “Think, Pair, Share” and design a lesson plan that include such learning strategy. By using Padlet to create a lesson plan, we ourselves has used “Think, Pair, Share” and I find it very fascinating.

” ‘Think’ is when we search for information regarding “Think, Pair, Share” individually”

“Pair is when we compare and exchange what we have found with our friends beside us”

“Share is when we present our lesson plan with the whole class using Padlet”

Padlet’s Interface

By doing so, we ourselves have practiced this great learning strategy and indeed, it leads us to cooperate with our friends very much.

Personally I think “Think, Pair, Share” and Padlet  is a great learning strategy and tool that can be used in the class. I will try to include this activity in my future classes. Hope my future students will get benefit from it!  😀

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