Me, using Schoology?

The Learning Management System (LMS) that I have chosen for doing the assignment given by Mr. Shukri is Schoology. Have you guys heard about it? It is a very convenient website for teachers to create cool lessons using LMS 😀


                Basically Schoology serves as a platform for online learning, classroom management and social networking. Why do I say it is very convenient for teachers? Well, teachers can use Schoology to conduct online classes, and for FREE! The reason why I chose this platform is because for me the interface is very interesting. You know, it’s very similar to the popular social networking site, Facebook. You can put comments, chat with each other and even customize your profile picture. Not only that, teachers can use Schoology to design and conduct online lessons with the students. That means lessons can still go on even if the teacher and the students is not at the same place. Let’s say a teacher has an urgent matter and cannot come to the school to teach, he can still let the lessons going on by using Schoology. So the students will not get left behind, even when the teacher is not available to teach them on that day.

                I must admit, when I first got the assignment, I feel very excited, not knowing the task is quite challenging. It is because all the plans on what the students have to learn, all the assignments, tasks, and assessments need to be designed by myself. Well, consider it as a training before I become a teacher one day! The reason why I like the interface is because I want my students to be in something that they are familiar with. We can claim that nowadays people, from teenagers to adults, all have social media accounts, right? Don’t tell me you don’t have one (laugh). Okay, so these people must have been familiar with the interface of the social medias. That is why I chose Schoology to be my LMS.

Schoology (1)
Schoology’s interface

After all, the features that Schoology has is very convenient for me to conduct the online lessons! It allows the user to put medias like videos, or images, or even link to other web pages. The material varies so the students will not get attached to the traditional method, using books only in their learning process. Apart from that, by using Schoology I can promote students to collaborate with themselves, as Schoology also have discussion chatroom. Sounds cool! I really want my students to cooperate more with each other. They can learn various things from sharing ideas with their peers, don’t you think so? 🙂

“Some students talk more when the are online. Thus, using online platform, they can also participate in sharing their ideas with their friends!”

“Nobody will get left behind!”

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