Learning Management System (LMS)

Have you my precious readers, ever heard of LMS? No? No worries! Today I am going to share with you about LMS. Worry not, this a very, very brief sharing. But make sure you take a deep breath!


Alright, so basically Learning Management System, or known as LMS is a software application, mainly used for administrations, documentations, tracking, reporting and delivery of electronic educational technology (also called e-learning) courses or training programs. According to Talentlms.com, the name comes from,

“Learning, because you use it to deliver education courses or training programs.”

“Management, because it helps you organize these courses (create them, change them, assign them to students, grade them, etc).”

“System, last but not least, is just a fancy word that translates to “software”.”


An LMS is a program designed for computers. There many companies that develop LMS. Each of them are competing with each other to provide the best LMS for the user. Here are some of the examples of LMS:

  • – Schoology
  • – Google Classroom
  • – Khan University
  • – Moodle
  • – etc

Like I’ve mentioned above, LMS can be used for various management purposes. But of course, there are one thing I would like to highlight here..

“LMS can also be used in Education! Yay!”

How’s that possible? Well, LMS serve as a tool for managing content. Of course, teachers can also use LMS to manage content and materials for their students right? Not only that, some companies have built LMS specifically for educational purposes like Google Classroom. Each and every LMS has their own unique features, some can do this.. some can do that. I wouldn’t say teachers should stick to one LMS forever. It depends on what they teach as well. Their creativity of designing lessons is tested hear *grin. After all, with the advance of technology nowadays, it is really necessary for educators to start using LMS in conducting their lesson, don’t you think so? 😉

“It is a good platform to exhibit your creativity, teachers!”

“Let’s bring technology into the class!”


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