Final lesson?

“Class has ended, but learning process don’t.”

 In a blink of the eyes, this semester has come to the end. Indeed, there are lots of things that I have learned in this subject Internet Applications in Education. As future teacher, I personally think that all things that I have learned will be very beneficial to me in designing and conducting my future classes.

What have I learned? Well, there’s a lot I must say. I have learned on how to use different kind of tools to help me in managing my lessons. For example, the LMS. I really hope that I can bring fun classes to my future students, so that they won’t perceive learning as something that is boring to them^^


“Have you encountered any problem?”

Yes, of course. But errors teach, right? Lots of knowledge can be gained by doing mistakes. I still remember how ‘noob’ I am when I first learn on how to use Schoology. Well, it is my firsty time using LMS, though. I make mistakes here and there. Luckily my friends and instructors keep on teaching, and teaching until I managed to solve the problem. It was very indeed!

Someday, I want my future students to be able to use all these tools that were taught to me. I want them to be able to enjoy their learning process. And of course, I want them to be able to use technologies in appropriate way. May Allah guide and bless us, always.


“Internet Applications is fun!!”

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